Taco Tuesday on a Sunday & Wine Pairing

Taco Tuesday on a Sunday & Wine Pairing

It’s May, finally, and my favorite month of the year is upon us. It’s my birthday month and I fully intended to celebrate all month long. I have been tearing my head out trying to find a source of meat for my family during our third month of national hibernation. My husband is going to be working again full time at his office location starting next week while I continue to work from home and teach, or I should say, I intend to teach from home to both my students and my children.

During this past week a friend of mine inspired me, and in a way her words enabled me to take it a little easier on myself. So what better way to relax than to make a huge Sh*t ton of meat. I bit the bullet and walked to a local grocer instead of a big chain store. It turns out my local grocer was fairly empty of humans. I knew this would involve me putting an awkward bandanna over my face but if everyone else is doing it then I guess we are all awkward together. I bought 5 pounds of meat to cook up into various dishes as make ahead meals for the coming week or so. When I set upon making tacos I realized I didn’t have any taco shells or the usual suspects, AND I wasn’t about to go back out into the danger zone. Oh heavens!

I found a bag full of blue corn tortillas which I had randomly placed in my hungry harvest account. Then #1 Hubs asked me what I planned to do without lettuce and I pointed to the purple cabbage that had been sitting in the back of the fridge all week. Yes, zero waste again!

When my son ran in to ask what’s for dinner, I proudly exclaimed BLUE AND PURPLE TACOS, That’s what’s up!!!

And then the relaxing began as I watched my son be fooled by my colorful use of food advertising.

While relaxing I decided to pair my colorful tacos with a nice white wine and my personal favorite, the Boordy Vineyards Riesling. It runs for about $11-14 at your local liquor and has a nice balance of sweet for a light spring day. I just learned from my favorite local news anchor, Nicole Baker, that Boordy is offering free Fed Ex delivery on 3 or more bottles. Yowza! Thanks Nicole!

1 Comment

  1. Yum! Now I want tacos… and that gorgeous Oriole bottle of wine. Cheers! And happy early birthday, Jessica!

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