The Birth of a Blog

The Birth of a Blog

Welcome to Lil’ScootScoot, a place to share activities and examine my life as an art teacher, parent, and design lover. Over the past two decades I have been busy collecting everything from recipes to odd photos of man hole covers, and finding a place for such things in my real life home. This new blog is an attempt to share the curated version of this humble life and my love for all things beautiful and quirky.

In this new era of COVD-19 (things we never thought of seeing in print!) I am learning the value of sharing and responsible digital citizenship. I am also learning how to be a mom and a teacher in new ways. I am right here with you experiencing the failures of being human and the grandeur of little moments. My hope is that I can bring you a sense of communal therapy through art and humor with a micro dose of reality.



  1. Great start Jessica. I like the colorful photos, the creative approach and the interesting turn of phase. I love that you are introducing your son to photography so early in life.

    I have tried my hand at blogging in the distant past but soon struggled to find new topics of interest. I guess my unwillingness to blog about the mundane, or perhaps my inability to be creative with the mundane, limited available topics. If I were to do it now, I would be less inhibited and less concerned about the impression I am making.

    • Jess

      Thanks Cliff! I too started a blog a decade or so ago and I found it very inhibiting then. I thought I’d give it another go and really commit this time. Maybe it’s the current state of affairs or a life well lived that has me appreciating every nuance that I might have rushed past otherwise.

  2. I love the layout, Jessica! So beautiful! Can’t wait to read all of your posts. Congrats on the blog!

    • Jess

      Thank you so much Annie! I can’t wait to share more. I look forward to adding a little something for everyone!

  3. Jess

    Thank you for the support! I look forward to sharing a little something for everyone!

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